Airsoft is a recreational shooting sport where participants use replica firearms to shoot plastic BBs at each other in simulated combat scenarios. It's a safe and fun way to experience the thrill of military combat without the danger of real weapons. Raptor Airsoft is now offering airsoft games for enthusiasts of all skill levels. With a variety of game scenarios and a professional team to ensure safety and fair play, Raptor Airsoft is the perfect place to experience the excitement of airsoft in our custom made arena with state of the art sound and lighting. We are a CQB site which changes site layout regularly.
If you're new to the sport or looking at getting into Airsoft we'd love to speak to you. We can arrange a one on one meet to help you as much as you need and answer any questions. We can also give you a little taster of shooting a weapon whilst answering your questions.
We have an on site store offering everything you'll need to enjoy the sport as well as on site weapons tech for repairs. UKARA is available provided you meet the criteria

Minimum Age Requirements:
Age limit is minimum 11+ with parental letter of consent and if a guardian is to be present that is not the legal guardian or parent then they need to be named as guardian in the letter of consent that is signed by the legal parent or guardian. Anyone over the age of 18+ can walk in anytime to play on open days.
Our FPS requirements are 350fps measured on 0.2g BB’s. All weapons must pass chrono and random checks will take place through the day. It is for your safety. Let's keep it under 350fps.
We are a single shot only site.
We do allow HPA weapons as long as they are bellow 350fps measured on 0.2g BB’s. If during random checks it's found to be higher then this could resort in a ban as we take player safety very seriously.
Binary is not permitted.
We allow grenades but smoke grenades are not permitted. We have a smoke system in place that will be used throughout to shake up your gameplay. If you are unsure about anything, please speak to us. All pyro must be thrown under arm and nothing thrown from height.
Eye protection is a must and face protection is optional if over 18. Under 18s MUST wear full face protection. We strongly recommend everyone wears full face protection. Headshots do happen, protect those pearly whites. We allow players aged 11+ with parental consent at CQB Arena.
It goes without saying, hit taking is mandatory and it only takes 1 hit to eliminate someone. When you are hit (weapon included) you raise you hand in the air and shout HIT! Airsoft is a game of honour and respect. While walking back to your respawn, keep your hand up and shout “DEAD MAN WALKING” to make sure you don’t get double shot while walking back to spawn. Eliminated players also do not talk. We want realism, we want fun and excitement and we want the rules to be followed so its a fair game for all.
Melee weapons are permitted. Must be rubber and bend 90 degrees.
No blind firing. Blind firing is not being able to look down your sight and shoot. An exampls of this is putting your gun round the corner and shooting. This can cause serious issues/injuries. You must be able to be look down your sight at all times for safety reasons.
Hire Equipment on the day should be treated with respect and as if it was one of your own. We completely understand accidents happen but please take extra care.
Please transport weapons to and from site in a bag or box to cover your weapon. This is because of gun safety laws in the UK and to also respect our neighbouring business. Weapons should only be visible inside our building only.
Lasers can be used but only Red. Green lasers are not permitted.
Have fun, respect the rules and if there's issues, please talk to us to resolve. We cannot resolve things after you have left. We are an independent business and are open to feedback, ideas etc. In the event of a problem, please be respectful and discuss with us first.